If you plan to enable event monitoring of SCA components or handle events emitted by the Event Emitter primitive, you can perform post-installation tasks to configure the Common Event Infrastructure. 如果您希望启用SCA组件的事件监视或处理EventEmitter基元产生的事件,那么可以执行安装后的任务以配置公共事件基础设施(CommonEventInfrastructure)。
The common emitter configuration is by far the most versatile and widely used. 目前共发射极接法用途最多,应用最广。
Study on the Bootstrap PWR AMP Working in Common Emitter 对自举式功率放大器共射工作的分析研究
Frequency characteristic of capacitor-coupled basic common-emitter amplifier has been analyzed, the complete frequency characteristic function and Bode diagram are given. 系统性分析了电容耦合基本共射放大器的频率特性,得到了比较完整的频率特性函数和波德图。
Influence of Neutral Base Recombination on Common Emitter Gain in nSi/ pSi_ ( 1-x) G_x/ nSi Transistor 基区复合对nSi/pSi(1-x)Gex/nSi晶体管共射极电流增益的影响
In this paper the relationships between small-signal h-parameters and elements of the natural equivalent circuit of the common emitter configuration of junction transistors are studied. 本文研究面结合型晶体管共发射极线路的小讯号h参数与自然等效线路中元件的关系。
Using the internal relations among the transistor small signal parameter models such as H 、π and Y, We may sum up the general express form and characteristic of the common emitter amplifier gain under different parameter models. 利用晶体管不同参数模型间的内在联系,归纳出在模型参数下的共射放大电路增益的一般表达形式及其特点。
For a long time, a common and popular method to solve current convergence problem of microwave power transistor is using emitter ballasting resistor, such as PTC, CTR thermistor, passive devices etc. 长期以来,解决微波功率晶体管的电流集中问题的通用做法是使用发射极镇流电阻,以及PTC,CTR热敏电阻等无源器件。
The basic structure of the circuit is two stage cascade, in which were a CE ( common emitter) structure as input and a Darlington structure as output. 电路的基本结构采用两级放大结构,以共发射极结构作为输入级,以达林顿结构作为输出级。
Design and Simulation of the single Stage Common Emitter Amplifier 单级阻容耦合晶体管放大器电路设计与仿真
On the Gain of Small-Signal Common-Emitter Amplifier 关于小信号共射电路增益的讨论
The analysis of whether the emitter output is the common collector circuit or the common emitter circuit 射极输出器是共集电路还是共射电路之剖析
Analysis and Simulative Study of Voltage Gain in Common Emitter Amplifier 共射电路电压放大倍数的分析及其仿真研究